LORORULU interplays with 3 individuals supplied with paintbrush.
There are no predefined rules, they emerge during practical work and owing to this can change.
Practicing interplay means exploring interplay.
Dissent is possible and not outed but included. In this way we link
our different positions.
The entire surface of the canvas belongs to each person – I can paint
over everything and my work can be painted over likewise.
The outcome of the previous is the input for the next.
I have tools – I am a tool.
The picture emerges on its own, oscillating between chaos and order -
between maintainance of identity and adaptation.
I am in the world and the world is in me.
What moves me also moves LORORULU.
Knowledge of the picture evolves in the working process.
LORORULU is a spontaneous dynamic entity.
We cannot force LORORULU to appear, but we can remove obstacles
and contribute constructively.
LORORULU is an integrated unity of individual contributions and
inseperable from the context which develops: knowledge, ability, experience, ways of
dealing with difference...
Inspite of dissent - achieving constructive results.
The “inspite of“ is the connection between the 3 -and results in the
emergence of the paintbody LORORULU.
Through dissent we take the hurdles to attain our goal.